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Trainee power high 3! - Our modeling agency as a training company

12 Oct, 2018

The models has grown rapidly in recent years - meanwhile, our database includes about 4,000 models, fair hostesses and grid girls. In addition to the regular orders of our regular customers also come in every day completely new booking requests. In order to cope with the onrush of applications, queries and applications, we naturally also had to upgrade ourselves within the agency. Three diligent trainees help us to maintain and expand our model and customer network.

Bielefeld is not Dusseldorf. Accordingly, as a modeling agency near Bielefeld's Old Town, we can not draw on a large pool of fully trained Booker in the search for employees, as would be possible in Germany's fashion capital. Therefore, we have decided to take the initiative as a training company ourselves and to train young, open-minded people according to the requirements of our agency. Since then we receive new applications every day - because the fashion industry is "sexy". In times of Instagram, Lookbook & Co., the interest in training in fashion, beauty and modeling is far greater than, for example, in craft businesses. What underestimates many applicants - becoming a booker requires much more than a feeling for fashion and an annual subscription to Vogue. Especially communication skills, a healthy self-confidence, reliability and a certain resistance to stress are indispensable as a booker. Michelle, Rebecca and Kim bring these prerequisites and are currently completing her training as an office management assistant at The Models. Who the three are, which tasks belong to the everyday life of the Junior Booker and where they are in the new office of our model agency most like, they have betrayed us in the following interview! Here we go!

# Who are you and when did you start your education?

Rebecca: I'm Rebecca and 21 years old. Since August 2018, I am doing my apprenticeship as a businesswoman for office management at The Models.

Kim: My name is Kim, I'm 20 years old and I love dealing with people - although I probably follow more cats than people on Instagram. I've been with The Models since this August, doing the same training as Rebecca.

Michelle: I'm Michelle, 21 years old and have been training since August 2017.

# How did you end up with our training in our modeling agency?

Kim: I am very interested in people and have therefore presented the work in a modeling agency very exciting. In terms of training, I wanted to do a commercial degree anyway and then came across a job advertisement for The Models in my search.

Rebecca: I just searched the internet for a varied apprenticeship with a cool team and new challenges.

Michelle: I had actually already started another training that I had to break due to injury and then I landed on The models. In retrospect, that was a real luck in bad luck.

# What are you doing all day with The models?

Rebecca: In the morning we always look first what mails came in - new customer inquiries or mails from our models and hostesses. In the case of new inquiries, we first contact the customer, clarify any queries and look for suitable candidates, ie models or hostesses, for the project. We then create a corresponding offer and wait for the feedback from the customer. If everything fits, we get the confirmation from the customer and then send a booking confirmation to the models.

When new applications for our model index come in via our online form, we look at the photos and information of the person concerned and then decide on the basis of different criteria whether they will be included in the database. Likewise, we're also reviewing profile changes and new photos of existing sedcards. ,

Kim: Exactly. So most of the day we are in contact with models and customers. Unlike other model agencies, we are bookers in our area of ​​responsibility but not by area, but by type of request - Michelle's focus are, for example, catwalk models and fashion shows, Rebecca cares especially about arranging hostesses in Germany, while I predominantly with Inquiries from abroad.

# What was your coolest experience with The Models so far?

Rebecca: I'm Rebecca and 21 years old. Since August 2018, I am doing my apprenticeship as a businesswoman for office management at The Models.

Kim: My name is Kim, I'm 20 years old and I love dealing with people - although I probably follow more cats than people on Instagram. I've been with The Models since this August, doing the same training as Rebecca.

Michelle: I'm Michelle, 21 years old and have been training since August 2017.

Further contributions

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# Contact Details

Mel Stüven
Melanie Stüven
Key Account Manager
+49 521 448 139 08