#Tattoo Model Agency
Authentic, individually, extroverted and fascinating…
…these are just some of the descriptions that apply to our agency's tattoo models. The alternative models conquer the world of fashion for quite a while, because they got something “normal” models don’t: unique pieces of art, that turn their bodies into a screen and let them stick out of the masses. Uniqueness is a great advantage in the model business, because tattooed models can present more than streetwear nowadays, like high-fashion editorials.
#Tattoo models with character sought? Our agency has them!

We are your tattoo model agency for Berlin, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Hanover, Frankfurt and throughout Germany! In our database, you will find selected tattoo models, who not only shine with their looks but their character as well. Moreover, we, as an agency, are more than beautiful appearance, too!
the models attaches great importance to the personal contact with customers and models: That way, we get to know the individual expectations and characteristics and can therefore find the right lid for every pot!
Why tattoo models? A great advantage of tattoo models is, that they are, thanks to their body art, already very individual and striking that no standardized measurements are required in this branch. Tough their individuality, those character types with their body decoration, are no longer outsiders: Almost half of the Germans from 15 - 25 are tattooed.
#Become a tattoo model!

No matter if male or female, we are your tattoo model agency and happy to help you with your career as a tattoo model! You can apply with some significant pictures via our online application form.
As a tattoo model it is needless to say that you should have the needed body art as well as your own and individual style. Just like every other model, you have to be communicative, confident and charismatic.
However, don’t worry if you`re a new face! We have some jobs for experienced and beginners up our sleeves to provide you the chance to collect exciting experiences. Additionally we are active all over Germany e.g. in Hamburg, Munich, or Stuttgart. So, grab your chance and apply now!