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Models in product photography - Eyecatcher & key to success

25 Sep, 2017

The concept model has more associations like Fashionshows, catwalks and photoshootings - and the model is always the focus. But in addition to Fashionshows and catwalks, there are other possibilities to be a model.

# Properly positioning products

If you take a look in advertising magazines you always see products that are presented with or on a model. In fashion it is no wonder, because it can obviously be represented on a model much more vividly. But you also often see other products, such as furniture, which are photographed together with a model. The concept model has more associations like Fashionshows, catwalks and photoshootings - and the model is always the focus. But in addition to Fashionshows and catwalks, there are other possibilities to be a model.

# The product photo - what is it?

Product photography is an important part of advertising photography. The aim is to present the goods optimally in photos. It is obvious that the correct presentation of the product or the product is crucial for the success or failure. The potential customer should be encouraged to buy through an appealing presentation. And often the products with a model can be presented more attractive than without. The product photography is therefore an important part around which model agencies - of course we too - care. In addition, the demand for models that are sought in this area is also very large. These models are usually not professionals, but people with other professions who want to earn a little bit with these occasional jobs. This also works really well next to another profession, because the bets are mostly very short and do not claim the whole day. In addition, the job is a great opportunity to enter the model business as newcomers, since not so many experiences are required. The main focus of the pictures is on the product, but by using a model, the image is imparted to the image and the product is presented correctly. Especially with furniture, the customer is encouraged to identify with the model and to imagine how the piece of furniture could complete its furnishings.

Grid Girl

# Models as an identification factor

We also regularly provide models for product photography, especially for furniture and furniture. The furniture of our partner "Die Wohnliebhaber" ( ) speaks for itself, but you can also imagine the combination of model and product photography very well. However, fashion and furniture are not the only thing that can be supported by product photography. Product photography includes a lot more! Even residential accessories such as, Eg at Homestyle & Garden ( ), can also add charm through the right use of models.
Life situations are presented, as in the kitchen when cooking with the new kitchen utensils, relaxing on the terrace on the new wooden garden furniture or on a vintage leather sofa for television. Just the latter, that someone sits serenely on a sofa or sits, is seen particularly frequently. This is how it is presented and emphasized how comfortable and practical this sofa is.

In summary, models are the ideal complement to pure product photography to stimulate the purchase of the product. In addition, this area will be a win-win situation for companies and models, as it is also a good option for newcomers and professionals, which makes entering the model business easier.

Further contributions

25 Sep, 2018

Dick im Geschäft: Plus Size Models gesucht!

Die damals mäßig erfolgreiche GNTM-Teilnehmerin von 2009, Sarina Nowak, ist heute – mit drei Kleidergrößen mehr – gefragter denn je und für den Monat Oktober schaffte es Vollweib Tess Holliday nun in Großbritannien auf das Titelbild der Lifestyle- und Modezeitschrift Cosmopolitan. Ob in Deutschland, Europa oder Amerika – überall werden Plus Size Models gesucht – auch bei uns! Sie sind im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes „dick im Geschäft“ und bereichern mit ihrer Vielfalt nicht nur unsere Modelkartei. Aber wie und ab wann kann man Plus Size Model werden, welche Voraussetzungen gibt es und müssen Curvy Models eigentlich auch auf ihre Ernährung achten? Wir haben alle wichtigen Fragen für Dich in unserem Blog beantwortet!
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Schmuck an Models fotografieren: Darauf muss man achten

Es ist nicht einfach, Schmuck richtig in Szene zu setzen und ihn ansprechend an Models zu fotografieren. Ein 0,5 cm breiter Ring wirkt an einer Person von 1, 80 m verschwindend klein und wird deshalb oft vom Betrachter übersehen. Man muss also genau wissen, wie die Schmuckstücke am besten inszeniert werden können, um ein optimales Foto so erhalten. Wir haben ein paar Tipps für Euch, auf was ihr dabei achten solltet!
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Sneakers zur Abendgarderobe: Dresscodes sind zum Brechen da!

Sneaker zum Sommerkleid
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09 Aug, 2021

Traumjob: Catwalk Model

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Plus Size Models und -Influencerinnen – 5 großartige Frauen und ihr Stil

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# Contact Details

Mel Stüven
Melanie Stüven
Key Account Manager
+49 521 448 139 08