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Relaunch - new look & more to offer!

22 Aug, 2017

New logo, new design, new concept - everything for you! Behind the scenes the project ran for a long time and now you can finally see how we have improved our website for you!

Grid Girl

# Grid Girls - the highlights of the circuit

In addition to our trade fair hostesses and promotion hosts, which not only convince by their appearance, but also by their competence and professionalism, we now also provide Grid Girls. Already in the past, we had a lot of inquiries for GridGirls and were able to communicate these successfully, now we make it official and also work as a Grid Girl agency.

But what are GridGirls? These are hostesses, who are specially booked for motorsport events like the Formula 1, the Nürburgring, the DTM and similar events, in order to heat up the audience and help the drivers to the side. They accompany the racers in the starting grid or as umbrella girls. The presentation of vehicles at trade fairs, such as the Essen Motor Show, is one of the typical tasks of a grid girl.

But that is not all, also our models get new categories!

# Plus Size Models - Curves set correctly

Of course, we continue to distribute our classic models and best ager, but we are also very proud of the growth in our repertoire! From now on, we are giving our Plus Size Models a special category, because you are extremely in demand. Even if it does not work outwards, there are twice as many requests for Plus Size Models as inquiries for tattoo and fitness models - no wonder with the breathtaking charisma of our Curvy Models!

We are, of course, constantly working to supplement our database with additional models from size 38/40, in order to offer our customers even more variety.

# Modenschau - With us you are completely furnished

Another new highlight of our agency is the organization and execution of fashion shows. Whether it's music, choreo, gazebo or fitting, we take care of everything - and of course the perfect models for the job!

With this new area, we will be heading for unknown terrain, but we are happy to accept the challenge! Although we have already planned some runway shows, each order here offers a lot of variety and requires a lot of creativity and dedication from us. However, it is also a very grateful area because we can work with our models and customers directly on site and experience the order from a completely new perspective. This new angle of view naturally also benefits our customers, models and hostesses - a classic win-win situation!

It goes even further, because also technically and visually we are a Hingucker!

More than just a beautiful facade

# Design meets content

In order to be even better equipped to meet the challenge of the combination of model and hostess agency, we have divided our individual agency areas even more in detail. So it will not only be clearer for us, you also have a better look at it!

As a dynamic and young agency team, we wanted to offer you as a customer, model and hostess a surface that represents who and how we are.
With the new, minimalist logo and the fresh turquoise accents, we hit the bull's eye; Light and easy but clearly defined!
This is supplemented by the optimized menu navigation and the breakdown of the website into our (new) special areas.
A lot has also been done on the content, because we have installed videos for you, which give you an even better insight into the work of our models. We also provide you with more information about our & your work and provide you with the latest information about the models!

# Behind the Scenes

In our relaunch, we have not only scratched the surface but have gone deeply into the depths! The changes to our website go hand in hand with a restructuring of our database and internal processes.
It was a hard work to date, but now we have a backend in which we can manage the data of models, hostesses and customers even faster and better. Whether it is the application of potential best ager models, the processing of new orders, the contact management to regular customers or the creation of your sedcards, with our new system, we have everything in view!

As you can see, a lot has happened and we are looking forward to re-launching with you!

We wish you much fun on the new website and look forward to your feedback!

Further contributions

08 Mar, 2021


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# Contact Details

Mel Stüven
Melanie Stüven
Key Account Manager
+49 521 448 139 08