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Change of scenery announced - move on a grand scale!

07 Jan, 2019

After 9 years in beautiful Bielefeld, it was also said for us in May this year: It is tight in the office! Therefore, there was no question, a move is pending, but how and where? Be it self-direction or moving company, big city feeling in Hamburg or Augsburg vs. Hamburg. Down-to-earth in Bielefeld? We'll tell you!

It has been almost a decade since we moved into the premises on Herforder Strasse and a lot has happened since then: Our diverse model index is growing continuously and includes numerous models, hostesses and grid girls for our customers throughout Germany from Hamburg via Berlin, to to Augsburg in use. In order to serve our partners and customers in the usual reliable and competent way, there is a need for sufficient staff - and they need space!

# Step 1: Off to the real estate jungle

When it was clear that we could not avoid a move, the starting signal for the search for real estate was set. The first question on the list: Which city should it be? Are we moving the agency to a big city like Hamburg, Cologne or Augsburg or are we sticking to our roots? It quickly became clear: Bielefeld is and remains, because in the East Westphalian metropolis our heart beats. Thanks to a bit of patience and a pinch of luck, we were able to successfully beat the hectic real estate jungle and have now found our new favorite place!

# Step 2: Own or prefer to move company?

The next step was the planning of the move. Depending on personal preferences divorced here probably the spirits. While some, as true organizational talents, have everything under control from day 1 onwards, others prefer to rely on the professional service of a moving company. Moving companies, such. B. relocation experts Hamburg , offer their customers the complete package of no stopping zones , about assembly and disassembly to cleaning and renovation work. Moving companies in Hamburg, Augsburg, Bielefeld and the rest of Germany offer a tempting offer for many, especially in terms of time savings. But those who like to take the reins themselves and do not shy away from some planning effort, can also set up a well-organized move on their own initiative.

# Step 3: Let's move it - moving in full swing!

Influencer Girl Branded Shirt

The moving day meant tackling everything: from the intern to the apprentice, to our head booker - thanks to many helping hands, the change of residence was quick and smooth. And the anticipation was great: bright, open spaces, modern design and - oh hello, roof terrace! Even if we do not always agree on everything, the roof terrace is the undisputed highlight for the entire team in the new office.

Meanwhile, we can say: we are more than satisfied. Although moves always require some sweat and nerves - whether self-organized or with the help of a professional moving company - it's worth it! Growth and expansion offer opportunities and opportunities and we look forward to all future challenges and tasks that await us in our new office in the heart of Bielefeld!

Of course, we have celebrated this great change duly and got to know a few of you better! we're looking forward to next time!

Further contributions

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# Contact Details

Mel Stüven
Melanie Stüven
Key Account Manager
+49 521 448 139 08