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Internship in a modeling agency

27 Mar, 2018

Office jobs are boring. No way! As a trainee in the model agency The Models you get to know the often boringly defiled workplace "desk" from a completely different side. Instead of monotonous file processing it means variety and customer contact - and that from day 1 on.

Maybe I should first introduce myself here. I'm Lara, 20, and the newest member of The Models team. My 7-month internship serves as preparation for the training, which I will also do here. At the moment, I'm still getting to know the various areas of the agency - and by the way, I also take care, for example, to give you some insight into what happens behind the scenes through this blog. It was only a year ago, I was firmly convinced that I never want to end up in an office. When my health was thwarted, I had to put up with the idea of ​​staring at a screen for 8 hours a day and avoiding mischievous colleagues. Already at the interview, I was taught a lesson. In The models we are all by you. What, even with an average age of well below 30, is not a matter of course. Directly I felt welcomed and welcomed.

# Monotony? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that!

A little over a month ago it started - and not bring with coffee. After an introduction to the use of the database, which is the A and O of the agency, it was about to edit the sedcards of our models and hostesses. New change requests come every day - from professional models who had an ad shoot, to the rough diamonds that help their careers with new Polaroid imagery. Perhaps even more frequently than changes, applications from models or from those who want to become them can reach us. I can take care of these too. It's sometimes tough to decide who is included in our file and who we have to cancel.
Since I will start my apprenticeship here in August, I was also instructed directly in the work with projects and in direct customer contact. This began with the acceptance of telephone calls, but quickly became the takeover of my own projects, for which I am responsible. In my first month, I completed six projects and three more, which will be coming soon. I was able to experience a personal highlight when I first accepted the project from the Hamburg fashion label KATHARINA HOVMAN over the telephone and then took it over to the end.

# Everyone at The models has a major role

Grid Girl Picture 2

Where you are used as a servant and coffee supplier in other companies, the models take on responsibility. To be honest, I did not know the whole concept before. However, this responsibility also means that you are confronted with your mistakes and must be responsible for them. "Communication is everything," says Melke, head of the agency. If the communication is not running smoothly then errors are inevitable. Also, I was able to learn quickly, as the cancellation of a project of one of our models has not reached on time. "But mistakes are human too. It can not be done without it, "Melke's words are a consolation, but of course setbacks spur him on to do better next time.

# The future looks bright

A pure desk job is the work in a modeling agency of course not. After all, we want to know where the people we mediate are working. Visits to fairs, photo shoots, fashion shows, car races and other events are part of the program. In the short time I've been here, there's still no opportunity to do so, but these things are clearly on the program for the near future.
It is also planned for the coming months that the head office of our model agency will move to a larger office, right in the heart of Bielefeld. Also for you relevant innovations and extensions are on the plan! For my part, I'm curious what in the next few months on me or us. You too? Then follow us on Instagram and Facebook and stay up to date!

Further contributions

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Selbstliebe entwickeln: 5 Tipps von uns für Dich ♡

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# Contact Details

Mel Stüven
Melanie Stüven
Key Account Manager
+49 521 448 139 08