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Model agencies Hamburg - Fashion scenes between Hafen & City

04 Mar, 2018

"Oh Hamburg my pearl" many talk about it, but what makes this city so special and adorable?

"Oh Hamburg my pearl" many talk about it, but what makes this city so special and adorable?

# Hamburg in the center

Berlin, Cologne and Munich are on top of our lists, but what about the port city? With an area of ​​755 km² and a population of 1.79 million people, Hamburg ranks second in terms of population.

But what does the big city model have to offer and how much has it integrated into the fashion scene?

# Model agencies in Hamburg

Again and again, the topics "modeling agencies" and "becoming a model" are in discussion and cause for discussion. Many want to be a model, but do not know where to start. Questions like: which city, which agency and what do I have to consider? come from. has published an extensive list of contact points for the model business, as unfortunately still too many "black hot" romp among the agencies. We researched for you to find out how many serious model agencies there are in Hamburg. We found about 30 modeling agencies, well-known agencies like MD Management, Mega Models and Modelwerk are at the top of the list - but of course we are also active as modeling agency for Hamburg ! But how do I recognize a rogue modeling agency? - Quite simply: finger away from agencies charging for the sedcards or recording! The fees or monthly discounts are a big topic and unsettle many newcomers. Please note that reputable agencies only get commission from the client after a successful mediation.

Toni Garrn

# Your possibilities as models in Hamburg

Take, for example, the model "Toni Garrn". Everyone knows the 1.80 m tall blonde, who was born on 7 July 1992 in Hamburg. It is the prime example of not only making the breakthrough in Paris, Milan or Berlin. No, it was a Fanfest in Hamburg for the World Cup, where it was discovered in 2006. In 2008, the international campaign for Calvin Klein and CK Jeans appeared, which made sure that ten years later, it was seen by labels such as Burberry, Chloé, Hugo Boss, Prada and Versace. Garrn became the 11th most important model in the world in just 4 years, proving that even if you start in a city like Hamburg, you can make an international career.

Karl Lagerfeld

# The beginning of fashion creation

The legendary Karl Otto Lagerfeld was born in Hamburg, to be exact on 19 September 1933. He has been the creative director of the French fashion house Chanel since 1983. The rise of the company to an international multinational corporation is largely attributed to Lagerfeld. Lagerfeld has been creating fashion under his own name since 1974. The press baptized him "Kaiser Karl" or "Modezar". Everyone knows Karl, hated by some for his design skills and hated by others for saying "who wears sweatpants, has lost control of his life". But the Hamburger remains true to himself and has made it to the top.

# Our conclusion

The second largest city in Germany has a lot to admit. Whether the discovery of a model during a fanfest or the beginning of a new fashion era - everything is possible in Hamburg.

Further contributions

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# Contact Details

Mel Stüven
Melanie Stüven
Key Account Manager
+49 521 448 139 08