Formula 1 says "Good Bye Grid Girls"
06 Mar, 2018Fast cars and beautiful women. That just belongs together. For years, the Grid Girls, who marked pilot start positions at the beginning of each race, were an integral part of the sport event. A few days ago came the news that made many frown: From the coming season, Grid Girls are banned in Formula 1!

The reason for the change is the official opinion that the tradition of the Grid Girls is outdated. The current ongoing sexism debate around the world is also crucial to the decision to abolish the Formula 1 hostesses. However, there remains the question of what the ladies themselves think about the career of the racetrack.
# And who asks the grid girls?

Indignant fans can be found under each article. Indignant drivers in every interview. But the opinions of the Grid Girls themselves are often left out. Any woman who applies as a grid girl, finally knows exactly why she does that. Career opportunities, contact, for many it is simply your own interest in racing. In addition, it is a clear misconception that the Grid Girls "just look and look beautiful". They give interviews, represent brands, help in the organization. Therefore, a Grid Girl definitely can not have fallen on the lips. Only with a nice smile, they do not get far.
As a model and grid girl agency , we are fully behind the women who choose to work as a grid girl. Self-determination is an important issue which is neglected in this debate. If a woman chooses to be part of the Formula One racing spectacle, even considering it as her personal dream, why should she be denied it? The dress code is no secret. Of course, the Race Queens are also eye-catching, but certainly not involuntary. That the ladies have nothing to do with the sport, as many proponents of abolition claim, is also questionable. After all, cheerleaders are American football and Ice Girls ice hockey. Beautiful women who fuel the fans - no matter which gender they have - are therefore not a phenomenon that occurs exclusively in Formula One.
# The Alternative - Grid Kids instead of Grid Girls
At the site of the Race Queens, Grid Kids will present the Formula 1 drivers on the racetrack. This would be audience-oriented and fit better in today's society. However, whether it is a good idea to bring children up on heated asphalt in the Singaporean midday heat is another question. In addition, there is a hard exclusion criterion: If you want to become a Grid Kid, you have to be active in the expensive sport - unlike maybe football.
According to Spiegel Online Formula 1 is # 1 of the most expensive sports that you can operate. It can be concluded that only children from wealthy families can become Grid Kid. Does this convey more modern and better values than adult women who have worked to become a Grid Girl at an event like Formula One?
# Off in the Grand Prix is not out for the Grid Girls

The decision to say goodbye to the Grid Girls tradition is quite questionable. Of course we hope, also on behalf of our Grid Girls, that other organizers will not join the decision. Women who decide to work as a Grid Girl and do so out of passion should be allowed to continue. We look forward to providing jobs to our Grid Girls in the future. Because only because the Formula 1 breaks with a tradition, that does not mean the end for the career. Furthermore, there are many uses for the beautiful women at the racetrack. The Dorna Sports, which represents motor sport championships such as the MotoGP or the Superbike World Cup, sees their paddock girls as an integral part of the events. This opinion is also joined by other organizers of racing series. Although the Formula 1 farewell to the Grid Girls, there are many other uses for Racing Queens.
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