What is a fair hostess?

Have you ever been to a fair and met a lot of charismatic ladies with friendly smiles and matching outfits? Most of them have probably worked as fair hostesses. As a fair hostess or host you are booked by companies for small and large, sometimes international fairs and congresses where the companies are represented. The main task is to welcome guests and to hand out drinks or flyers, for example. The guests can be potential customers, business partners or even applicants of the respective company. In order to make a good impression on these important visitors, the fair hostesses usually receive a short introduction to the company itself and the products or services offered, so that initial questions from visitors can be answered in the best way possible. Once the initial contact has been made, sales representatives or other experienced company employees will take over all further communication.
Thus, as the first contact person, a fair hostess ensures that a company stands out at the fair and potential customers later associate the hostess's or host's attractiveness with the product - and therefore develop a higher willingness to buy.
How to become a fair hostess
Many young women - pupils, students or professionals - take the opportunity to earn some extra money as a hostess in between. Young men are also frequently requested nowadays. But how does one become a fair hostess? - Important qualities that fair hostesses should possess are, in addition to communicative skills, charisma and a self-confident appearance. Overall, you should always have an eye for when and where assistance is needed and not be afraid to take the first step towards strangers. Since many fairs have an international visitors, knowledge of foreign languages is also one of the most important characteristics of fair hostesses.
The description applies to you? Then you can now apply online as a fair hostess and with a little luck you will soon get your first hostess job!