#Model agency for models from Bonn
We offer you a huge database with a broad variety of models. It includes the classical beauty, breath-taking Plus Size Models and Best Ager Models, as well. Here you have a small insight of the extract from our model file:
A strong Partnership!
With our professional knowledge and proper intuition, we are able to place suitable models from Bonn into your photo shooting or fashion show. Due to a critical and conscientious choice, all of our models are professional and turn each projects of yours into a success.

Booking request
Best Ager Models
As Best Ager Agency in Bonn, we are capable of providing a grand selection of multi-faceted Senior Models aged 35 and over. Usually, the models are used as faces for Adverts, photo shootings or fashion, because they represent the vast majority of Germany’s population. However, it is not just the conventional beauty, which makes the models so pleasant; charisma and variability are also some of their strongest characteristics.
Plus Size Models
Likewise, our Curvy Models possess a high identification factor for the German public, starting from the European dress size 40/42 (US/UK 12/14). The Model’s Perfect proportions and natural beauty make it possible for them to be used in all fashion and advertisement sectors. Our Plus Size Models from Bronn are just as fashionable relevant as the classical models. Whether you need a new face for a fashion catalog or catwalk models for the upcoming fashion show, our Plus Size Models will delight you.
Become a Model in Bonn!
Are you seeking for a job as model? Then our Model Agency in Bonn is just the one for you!
We are consequently looking for new faces and experienced models, to extend our database. Besides a beautiful appearance, you should also be at all times motivated and extroverted. If you have all of these essential characteristics, we are pleased to welcome you in our team.
Are you not from Bonn?
No worries, because we are searching for models and influencers in Bremen, Dortmund or Karlsruhe, as well.