#Model agency for models from Leipzig
You can find the perfect model for your project in our huge and wide-ranging database of models for catwalks and photo shoots. Here you have a small foretaste of our model file:
We give our Best for your Project!
The models lays a special focus on diversity and therefore, we offer you a huge variety of models and influencers to choose from for any project imaginable – be it fashion shows, product photography, trade fairs or advertisements. Our models from Leipzig have important characteristics and qualities like reliability, a professional demeanor, foreign language skills and sometimes even acting talents.

Booking request
Best Ager Models
Best Ager Models are more popular than ever before, because a majority of the German population is aged 40 and over and identifies more with Senior Models aged 35+. As Best Ager Agency Leipzig, we provide you the most suitable Senior Models for every event. Our Senior Models are variable, expressive, and so ambitious they lead any of your projects to success.
Plus Size Models
Our Plus Size Models from Leipzig convince with their sensual curves at every job. The Curvy Models with dress sizes starting at 40/42 (US/UK 12/14) confidently show that they do not have to hide from classic models with smaller sizes and are appealing for a wide audience. Our plus size models are realistic figureheads and cut a good figure not only on catwalks but also for product photo shoots and advertisements. In our vast choice of plus size model, you will find what you are looking for – guaranteed!
Become a Model in Leipzig
Throughout Germany and internationally – our Model Agency Leipzig is permanently searching for promising newcomers and experienced professionals to meet the needs of our customers. Apply for free via our online application form and become part of our team.
Apply nowAre you not from Leipzig?
Do not worry! We are not just looking for models in Leipzig, but also in several other cities like Karlsruhe, Stuttgart or Dresden.