#Promotion Agency Dusseldorf
Do you want our product or service to become more popular? Then an advertising measure is the correct way!
Our promotion agency Dusseldorf is thereby the right point of contact to realize your project. We offer qualified promotional hostesses and promotional models, who support your advertising measure and provide your product or your service successfully.

#Agency for promotional hostesses Dusseldorf – professional & individual
The promoter of our agency ensure that the contact to the potential customers is established. They attract attention and customers and contact them in that way. Next, the attention is of course fully directed to your product or service. Simultaneous, the customer gets a positive memory, which stays in their minds, because of the promoter.
In order that an advertising measure is successful, it´s important to stand out from the competitors. With the help of our skilled promoter that´s possible, because you can highlight yourself and your product.
#Promotional models from Dusseldorf – highlights for your advertisement
Sampling in the city of Dusseldorf, a tasting in a restaurant in Berlin or a competition on a fair in Munich, there are countless options to perform a promotion. With our promotional models and promotional hostesses you give your advertising measure that certain something, which convinces the customer.
Another advantage of our promotion agency in Dusseldorf is that we aren´t only in Dusseldorf available, but in many other cities.
#Promotion jobs in Dusseldorf & throughout Germany

Do you want to become a promoter? That´s no problem at our promotion agency Dusseldorf. We are always looking for new faces to expand our database so that our customers have a bigger selection. Because of that, we are looking for you! We offer varied and exciting jobs, where you can make many experiences.
Teamwork, self-confidence and charisma are important for the job as a promoter. Do you have these characteristics? Then apply now and become a part of our team! At the application you have to select that, you are bookable for fairs. In the next step, you can indicate promotion as your preferred application area. When the customer is looking for a special type for his advertising measure, we mediate you as a promotional model. Though the task fields are the same for both.